Join Us

League of Women Voters members are passionate activists who support our work in all 50 states and in more than 700 communities.

Joining the LWV is a great way to get involved in your community and play an active role in our democracy.

The LWV is a nonpartisan grassroots political organization open to both women and men at least 16 years of age.

The LWV encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
 The LWV neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate for elective office, but it does encourage its members as individuals to take part in the political process.

People join the League of Women Voters for many reasons– voter service, studies, education, public forums. What is your passion?

All members are invited to fill out an Experience and Interests Survey for volunteering opportunities.

If you have questions, Email:

Annual Membership Dues:

The annual membership program begins on September 1st. Annual dues are due in September. However, if you are joining after February 1 and before June 30, you pay one half of the annual dues for that current program year. If you are joining in July or August, you will not pay dues until September, the start of the next program year.

  • Single membership $65 ($67.20 with credit card transaction fee)
  • Household Membership (2 people) $90 ($92.90 with credit card transaction fee)
  • Students and Lifetime Members are FREE! (Must join by mail or email)

Join by Mail and Check

Click here to print and fill out membership form and submit it along with your check to the address below.

Or just mail your check for the dues along with your Name(s), Address, Phone number, and Email address to the address below. (This information is shared with League members only but please indicate any items you do not wish to share.)

League of Women Voters of Pullman
P.O. Box 366
Pullman, WA 99163

Join with Credit or Debit Card (a PayPal account is not necessary):

Select the type of membership, single or family, using the up/down arrow and then click the “Buy Now” button below. New Members, please enter your Name(s), Address, Phone number, and Email Address, in the Description box. (This information is shared with League members only but please indicate any items you do not wish to share.)

Yearly Membership for The League of Women Voters of Pullman